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Careers Advice

photo shows man in a suit jumping in the air celebrating getting his new job

Dealing with Redundancy - Part 5 - Finding a New Job

Once your redundancy is dealt with and any retraining has been undertaken you will probably need to find a new job. This can seem daunting, particularly if you have not had to look for a new

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photo shows close of up a man's feet on a tightrope high above office buildings

Redundancy - Advice for Employers and Businesses

When we hear the word 'redundancy' it is natural to think of the impact that it will have on the person being made redundant with out regard for the difficulties inflicted upon the employer

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photo shows a blue piggy bank wearning glasses - he is providing financial advice to people facing redundancy

Dealing with Redundancy - Part 2 - Financial Advice

Do you know the tax implications of receiving a redundancy package and how to avoid paying unnecessary tax? If you are going to find yourself struggling financially do you know how to lessen

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photo shows positive image of a surfer - surfing life's trials and tribulations such as redundancy

Dealing with Redundancy - Part 1 - Knowing Your Rights

Do you know what redundancy package you are likely to receive? Do you know what the government stipulated minimum package is? As well as detailing the legal and financial aspects we will

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photo shows small plant overcoming advertisty and growing through a crack in hard ground

Dealing with Redundancy - Part 3 - Psychological Impact

Do you feel like you’ve lost your identity and can’t stop feeling negative? It is not only the practicalities of redundancy that need to be addressed. Redundancy can also have a massive

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photo shows dismayed candidate who hasnt had much luck in her career

Top 10 things not to do in a job interview

We've been asking local employers for tips on what to do in an interview – and, of course, what not to do! Here are our top 10 not to do in that all-important job interview.

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Maidstone Employment & Business News

Tax centre jobs under threat in Hastings

Her Magjsty’s Revenue and Customs has commenced consultations with a view to close all 281 tax enquiry centres, including ten in Sussex and as a result over 50 jobs may be lost in tax enquiry centres throughout our area.

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